“It is probably safe to assume that the reader will agree that murder is wrong, and that cannibalism is reprehensible, but those who admit that it is wrong to kill people often believe that man has a right to kill the animals. This belief is based on the idea that man alone possesses a soul that is potentially immortal. But we have seen that it is only man’s conceit which makes him think that he alone is endowed with a soul, and those who are best able to judge tell us that the creatures do possess souls. The belief that they are without souls and personality is a vain invention of the human brain to justify man’s desire to use the creatures as he likes. The more one dares to think of the implications of flesh eating and the welter of cruelty and suffering it involves, the harder it becomes to believe that religious teachers ever succeeded in foisting upon their followers the astounding belief that it was a divinely appointed means of sustenance. It is easy to expose the horrors of the meat trade, and yet it is amazing to reflect that ‘Christian’ men and women could consciously eat the flesh of creatures who had been pole-axed to death under the most appalling conditions.”

The Rev V.Holmes-Gore…These We have Not Loved.