Deuteronomy 2:33“The LORD our God delivered him over to us, and we defeated him with his sons and all his people. 34“So we captured all his cities at that time and utterly destroyed the men, women and children of every city. We left no survivor. 35“We took only the animals as our booty and the spoil of the cities which we had captured.
“When the Lord your God brings you into the land where you are entering to possess it, and clears away many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than you, and when the Lord your God delivers them before you and you defeat them, then you shall utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them and show no favor to them,”
So what really is the Holy Bible doing to us? It has turned a nation of immigrants into monsters, that are bonded to Jewish financial power and waging holy war on the the rest of the world. The Holy Bible is our destroyer, as we destroy the other we destroy ourselves. But we don't see it that way, if we are possessed by Bible text we wage war like the Jew, killing everything in our path, thinking we are doing the work of the Lord.
But who really is the "Lord"? Rothschild. International globalist central banksters. IMF Jews. Israeli Zionists. Is there really a "creator" god commanding us to attack the rest of the world? Not a chance. So why do we obey this evil overlords? Because we've been indoctrinated to obey the church and state. First the church teaches obedience as the highest good, then in school you're taught to get a job and dutifully pay taxes.
According to the devout believers, the Holy Bible is nothing less than God’s voice in our realm. There is reason to suspect this hypothesis, something is terribly wrong with the human condition and religious belief seems to be the center of the problem. What if God is a mind parasite that feeds off of us? What if god needs access to our mind to do so? What if the god parasite can only take up residence in your mind if the Bible template is first installed?
What exactly is this god parasite thing? The authority. The authority of god is a brain parasite that is destroying us. So long as we believe in the authority of the holy text we will obey those in authority. Obviously the holy text is being used in a fascistic way to align individual will to that of church and state. No wonder fascist states all start with religious states.
You have to realize the extent of the damage of the Holy Bible to the human specie, it has domesticated us to be like obedient dogs to state. The greatest error of humankind was to love this book and draw it into their hearts – because the book is the ultimate betrayal of love, it has turned love into a weapon of our destruction.
that we call god made the holy stories appealing to our minds so that we would read and install it in our brains. Once uploaded, those stories become control programs, the operating system of the flesh. The Holy Bible must be installed like any computer program, it then becomes new program code that overrides the natural algorithms that were the product of evolution.
Once you realize that the Holy Bible, exactly the opposite of love, you should be able to realize the full scope of your abandonment by the Jewish betrayers. Let me be very, very clear, all those defending the Bible are causing us to go extinct. The Holy Bible is a Jewish destruction manual, how to wage war in the name of god.
Once the Bible is installed the human now behaves differently, the way “god” wants, which is what the machine wants. What does this malevolent machine want? Obedience, empire, power, the machine wants us to be part of the group consciousness, on our knees to the state, demoralized bipdeal apes, not the loving human beings of natural process.
The Bible is malware, it is malicious code installed in the human so that the human behaves a certain way, obedient to authority and empire. The Bible code is a mind virus, the human becomes possessed by the code, it turns us into monsters, cogs of the state, Borg, a collectivistic hive minded cyborgs of state, empire, expansionistic financial empire of Rothschild.
The root of the problem is not some Wall Street greedy banker, it’s not the bureaucrat in the bowels of the Pentacon, or the fraud Obama. The real problem is the words of the Holy Bible – they are acting like a secret program to destroy us. Sure, you can name the corporations, defense contractors, the banksters, the Jews, the Zionists as operatives who are absolutely carrying out the destructive acts – but the real problem lies in the text itself.
But there is an even deeper truth about what the Holy Bible is doing to us, it is a mind template for the Jew parasite to invade, it is a program overlay on our consciousness that allows a religious mind parasite to move in and set up shop. And it is almost impossible to uninstall. Once the Bible is in, the neurons are patterned to keep the virus installed and the parasite living conditions favorable.
No Christian goes against state because the Jewish state is god, but what they don’t know is that the Jews have Borg hive mind with an agenda of world domination. Bible believers are not only infected with a deadly mind virus, they have their brain circuit conditioned so that “god” can move in and use the human like a robot.
We already know that once infected, a believer is unable to reason properly, but now consider the next shocking revelation, god is using the human hosts as a vehicle to push us on the machine path to transhumanism. Humans possessed by the machine god are creating machine people, which is exactly what the god of the matrix wants. All the war, disease, and suffering is not our history but simply the program code.
God is not our savior, he or it is our torturer, our nemesis, our enemy. The god of the Bible is the Jew, thus following the Bible god is following the Jew and ultimately the Jew wants all non-Jews destroyed. So to follow the Bible god is literally self destruction for the individual or the state.
Christian Zionism is national suicide. John Hagee would never admit that Israel did 911. Think about that for awhile, he is perfectly aligned with the lies of the Zionist Occupied Government, he is mouthpiece of Israel, President of Christians United For Israel, a treasonous Judas goat, a front man for the killer Netanyahu.
If you doubt that this is what is going on then simply examine the story presented in the Holy Bible – it is exactly opposite of reality. You are made to feel guilty for being born, god becomes your salvation when in fact you had no choice and were born.
Look at how the Holy Bible has everyone completely fooled, humans are being taken for a ride, we are being used like toilet paper. Revering the Holy Bible is the entrance into the gates of hell, we were domesticated and imprisoned by that book and now we’ve reached our final destination, the end of history as the Jews take the entire planet.
The Holy Bible text is so appealing that humanity installs this destroyer program as it's salvation. We are being destroyed by the Jewish holy books even though we know the Jews are the destroyer tribe, we keep following the program anyways. This proves that the Bible is exactly the opposite of what believing apologists say it is.
It is not our hope – it is a program of destruction that is being acted out right now before our eyes. The Gates of Hell have been opened in Palestine by the words in the book – and the cancer is spreading all around the Middle East and soon the entire world will be engulfed by termination program. As the world spirals into World War 3, Evangelical Christians sing hosannas to almighty god and Israel.